Some things are too precious to lose forever.
This world-famous
view is under threat.
We need your help now.
The planning consent that was granted by the National Park on 25th March 2021, has been retracted in response to an objection from another organisation. Because of this objection, we will need to submit additional evidence to support our proposal for planning consent. Despite this setback, we continue to work positively towards the renewal of the sea defences and are confident of securing the consent required to proceed with these works.
- Michael Davies, Chairman
Cuckmere Haven and the Coastguard Cottages has been a beloved destination for generations of local and international visitors alike. With the help of all of our supporters, we aim to repair and improve the sea defences that protect this incredible view. There is no government or public agency funding for small communities like ours, so we need to raise the funds to complete the work and save this iconic landscape for future generations.
This is the reality. Behind the picturesque and photographed view the defences are crumbling, and the situation becomes ever more dire which each passing tide.
Generations have fallen in love with this view.
Now we need to raise the funds and do the work necessary to protect it for the future.
We need a long-lasting defence solution. There is an ambitious target of £250,000 that will pay for phase 1 of the urgent work needed to safeguard the cottages and the west beach for another generation. Painting by Andrew Dandridge.
For over a century, Cuckmere Haven has given sanctuary. Now, it is time to save her.
Cuckmere Haven might now be a tranquil bay for walkers, artists, nature lovers and more, but its history is rather more adventurous.
The thriving artistic culture of this idyllic spot continues to grow year after year.
The unique charm of Cuckmere Haven has made it a muse for painters, writers, photographers and filmmakers from across the world for many years. The annual Artwave festival, Lapwing Music Festival and Heritage Open Days attract international performers, artists and historians throughout the year.

“Cuckmere’s landscape today would be recognisable to anyone stationed there in 1940 and its current condition allows us to understand and interpret it.”
— Peter Hibbs, Military Historian & Archaeologist